Request Details

Method Controller Resource Parameters
POST product use outlet_id /product_id : barcode : product_name : product_desc : image : price : discount : qty : reorder_level : delivery_type : weight : shipping_cost : availability : promo_price : promo_start_date : promo_end_date : ebay_cat_id

Parameters Guide

Parameter Accepts
outlet_id int outlet id as provided by BeepXtra
product_id int The existing product id you wish to use for this outlet
barcode string barcode of product
product_name string Product name in alphanumeric latin characters only (Regex [a-zA-Z0-9_] )
product_desc string Product description in alphanumeric latin characters only (Regex [a-zA-Z0-9_] )
image string default value of "image" required
price double Sale Price of product
discount double Discount percentage for Beep Cashback (0 for no discount or minimum 2.50)
qty int current quantity in stock
reorder_level int The minimum stock level to trigger a reminder to the outlet
delivery_type string pickup shiplocal shipintl
weight double weight of product or 0 to disable
shipping_cost double Cost amount for shipping or 0 to disable
availability tinyint 0 for N/A or 1 for Available
promo_price double Price override if special promo enabled (See dates below)
promo_start_date date Starting Date of special pricing override
promo_end_date date Ending Date of special pricing override
ebay_cat_id int the ebay category id as listed by BeepXtra (ebay version 97 - See "Get Sub-Categories")

Example Request Format

Direct Url shoes:doggy shoes, size 53:image:100.05:2.5:10:2:pickup:0:1:1:0:0:0:77664
Curl CURL -A "YOURAPPNAME|1.0|AppID|AppKEY|product" -X POST shoes:doggy shoes, size 53:image:100.05:2.5:10:2:pickup:0:1:1:0:0:0:77664
PHP SDK $beepapi->request('post', 'product', 'use/391/123:12345678:dog shoes:doggy shoes for small dogs:image:100.05:2.5:10:2:pickup:0:1:1:0:0:0:77664');

Sample Response

  1. {
  2. "success":true,
  3. "request":{
  4. "method":"POST",
  5. "controller":"product",
  6. "resource":"use",
  7. "parameters":"\/product\/use\/391\/1:12345678:dog+shoes:doggy+shoes,+size+53:image:1_00:2_5:10:2:pickup:0:1:1:0:0:0:77664",
  8. "url_elements":[
  9. "product",
  10. "use",
  11. "391",
  12. "1:12345678:dog shoes:doggy shoes, size 53:image:1.00:2.5:10:2:pickup:0:1:1:0:0:0:77664"
  13. ]
  14. },
  15. "error":{
  16. "errorid":0,
  17. "message":0
  18. },
  19. "data":{
  20. "success":"true"
  21. }
  22. }
  1. {
  2. "success":false,
  3. "request":{
  4. "method":"POST",
  5. "controller":"product",
  6. "resource":"use",
  7. "parameters":"\/product\/use\/391\/10:12345678:dog+shoes:doggy+shoes,+size+53:image:1_00:1_5:10:2:pickup:0:1:1:0:0:0:77664",
  8. "url_elements":[
  9. "product",
  10. "use",
  11. "391",
  12. "10:12345678:dog shoes:doggy shoes, size 53:image:1.00:1.5:10:2:pickup:0:1:1:0:0:0:77664"
  13. ]
  14. },
  15. "error":{
  16. "message":"Discount cannot be less than 2.5%. Please use 0 or a higher value",
  17. "errorid":1000
  18. },
  19. "data":{
  20. "error":"Discount cannot be less than 2.5%. Please use 0 or a higher value",
  21. "errorid":1000,
  22. "errormsg":"Discount cannot be less than 2.5%. Please use 0 or a higher value"
  23. }
  24. }

Response Guide

Parameter Type Details
error String Returns Error Object with errorid and errormsg
success boolean Returns true if successful