Beep will be in contact with your website developer and will supply tools and code needed for your website developer to create a plugin to be linked with the Beep system. This means that your current online store will remain the same, the only difference will be that there will be extra features linking to Beep.
ATTENTION: This integration method does not imply any direct work from Beep Personnel on your website or software.
BeepXtra will supply the API tool, with all the support necessary to the existing developer of your software in order to integrate the BeepXtra service with your website software.
Please consult with your existing developer who will handle this integration prior to ordering.
On completion of your purchase, please forward the following details related to your current website developer to [email protected].
Current Web Developer Details Required:
- Company Name
- Contact Person
- Contact Tel Number
- Contact Email Address
Technical Specifications
The Beep API includes (This can be forwarded to your developer):
The Beep API consists of 2 parts.
- the RESTful API on our servers
- an SDK in PHP format for the public (This will eventually be encrypted before given out)
a) The RESTful API
The API accepts REST requests using the following methods:
e.g. if the request is GET /card/9 it will automatically return the card details in JSON format for processing
b) The SDK part
The core part of the SDK is encrypted using ioncube Loaders.
Currently we have a PHP SDK and a .NET SDK
example files:
- sdk/beepsdk.php
- testapi.php
The beepsdk.php loads the API Class for usage in your software.
The testapi.php is an example of use so developers can expand on it and build their software.
In short, all you need to do is the following:
- define your configuration credentials ($appid, $appkey, etc)
- include the SDK file in your code
- perform requests using $beepapi->request('get', 'card', '9')
You will receive:
- Your Beep API ID
- Your API Security Key
- Documentation for developers
- Support during integration