Request Details

Method Controller Resource Parameters
GET platform countries  country_id

Parameters Guide

Parameter Accepts
country_id int id of country in Beep Database (See get all countries - to retrieve ids)

Example Request Format

Direct Url
Curl CURL -A "YOURAPPNAME|1.0|AppID|AppKEY|platform" -X GET
PHP SDK $beepapi->request('get', 'platform', 'countries/3');

Sample Response

      "name":"United Kingdom",
      "message":"There is no active country with id 0"
      "error":"There is no active country with id 0"

Response Guide

Parameter Type Details
error String No errors available
id int The internal id of the country in Beep Database
name string Country name
flag_name string The flag image name for the country. Can be accessed via
country_code int The international country calling code
continent string The continent name of the country
currency string Currency code
map_x float The X (Longitude) coordinates of the country
map_y float The Y (Latitude) coordinates of the country